Thursday, March 1, 2007

Right. March. My month of birth. Let's Rock!

The Rock Box for the glorious month of March - thee most important month in my life - is online! Check it out and marvel at the brilliant content (and jump high in yer chairs from the volume difference :))!

• The Saints - Lipstick On Your Collar
• Riff Raff - Kitten
• The Splatcats - Surfin' Hearse
• Eddie And The Hot Rods - Shake
• Stiv Bators - Tell Me
• The Vacant Lot - Short Chain
• Johnny Moped - Make Trouble
• Jack Saints - Murdersville
• Gotohells - Hot Rod High

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Eh he he he...

..they say boobs...

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Breakfast at Elm Street

Enjoying a beer and a standard sandwich. Bacon, mayo and union. Right-o. Cake ever present.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

C'mon let's vibrate! February Rock Box online now!

• The Spitfires - Gotta Go
• The Drags - Six And Change
• The Joneses - Fix Me
• The Vibrators - We Vibrate
• 63 Monroe - Hyjack Vicktim
• The Crusadres - Waitin' For The Day
• The Music Machine - Talk Talk
• The Fleshtones - Rockin' This Joint
• Geordie - Keep On Rockin'

Shit yeah - just fuckin' enjoy, will ya!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

These are quite intriguing...

I see'em everywhere 'round town, but nobody seems to know what they are. Hmm. Mysterious. Mysterious indeed.

The Ratcats - Hero

Hell yeah! Rock and Roll in it's purest form, fellas! Oslo band Ratcats performs at the release party for the album "License to Rumble". The gig was @ SOUND OF MU in Grünerløkka, OSLO. Classic stuff this :) Too bad you can't see the bass player, though. Huh huh huh.

Elm Street rock cafe

Established in 1990, Elm Street Rock Café is one of Norways - not to mention Scandinavias - longest living Rock'n'Roll bars. Be sure to visit on a band night, and come early to sample some of this venues exellent pubfoods. If ya don't fancy hangin' out down at the all American TGIF joint but want a great burger, this is the place. And if breakfast is yer thing you can always order an Elvis. Or a Double Elvis. Or 'course the veggie alternative. He he.

A small sample of the visiting (and usually returning) bands:

Motorhead, Faith no more, Deep Purple, Turboneger, Mick Ronson, Motley Crue, Die Toten Hosen, Steve O & the Jack Ass kids, Iron Maiden, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Status Quo, Gluecifer, Guns n' Roses, Mayhem, Hollywood Brats, Nikki Sudden, Groovie Ghoulies, Nine Pound Hammer. The list just goes on.

The serious brush up in 2002 didn't manage to kill the fantastic atmosphere, and from '03 the stage is back at it's original place (after havin' spent some odd years in the corner behind the tiolets!) so what else can I say other that C'MON DOWN!

Elmstreet rock cafe

Monday, January 8, 2007

First Rock Box of 2007 - late but sweet as wine!

• The Thing - Dirtbombs
• I Feel Alright - The Kids
• Secret Affair - Electric Shadows
• Little Ole Wine Drinker Me - The Lurkers
• Li'l Red Riding Hood - 999
• Take Me To The Bank - Bottle Rockets
• Girlfriend's Best Friend - Demonics
• Running On Empty - The D4
• Treat It Alright - Radio Reelers
• Television Families - Cortinas
• The Kids Just Wanna Dance - Fast Cars

Plenty of goodies here, folks!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Well - merry and happy, everyone!

The Grünerløkka christmas tree is up, and we're leavin' for the cabin and sheep and Aqua Vita and beer and stuff. Lots of stuff. Have a peaceful one, folks :)

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Munkelia munchies

Yeah we certainly had a blast yesterday up @ Cake's place. Plenty of wino and some magnificent pieces of pork. And beer. And Rock. Huge amounts of Rock.

The Cake, El Presidente and Christ - eating, drinkin' and a-swingin' to them Punk Rock beats! He he he. Dunno how to stick this to ya'll, but I'm afraid this is a privat establishment :)

I'll try to give some input on the more public houses of Oslo at a later stage, but for now just be thankful of the knowledge that the kids are alright.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Crime Club @ Amplifier, OSLO - 20th December

That's right - the only Punk Rock'n'Roll band worth mentioning is appearing live again @ Amplifier Rock Bar in - yeah you guessed it, baby - Oslo Rock City. We'll be sharing the stage with hard hittin' Metal Rockers RAMPANT DOGS, and the event wil take place on the 20th this blessed month. So like just be there. Or be a schmuk. Right.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006


A beer at Børst! in Grünerløkka after rehersing with Crime Club. A nice place - not too crowdy, and a friendly barkeeper. Even possible to jack into the resident Macintosh and fill up iTunes with goodies from your personal MP3 player. It reads only ROCK AND ROLL on the menu outside, but that's not alltogether true. All is well, though. And the Cake sez hi.

Monday, December 4, 2006


What kinda coffee is this, anyway?

Santa comes a-knockin' and a-rockin'

Hell yeah, Rockers! I proudly - and four days late - give upon you the DECEMBER ROCK BOX! You'll find it hard to survive xmas without it:

You're So Boring - Rocks
No Time - The Crumbs
Jukebox Lean - New Bomb Turks
Shake A Tail Feather - Teengenerate
Teenage Shutdown - Electric Frankenstein
Paranoid - The Dickies
You Got What You Want - The Blitzz
I'm On Fire - Chelsea
Caught With The Meat In Your Mouth - Dead Boys
Little Boys - The Professionals

Just click the Rock Box and get yer fix!
Oh and it won't work if you've got a popup blocker active.
Ho! Ho! Hooooooo!