Monday, December 4, 2006

Santa comes a-knockin' and a-rockin'

Hell yeah, Rockers! I proudly - and four days late - give upon you the DECEMBER ROCK BOX! You'll find it hard to survive xmas without it:

You're So Boring - Rocks
No Time - The Crumbs
Jukebox Lean - New Bomb Turks
Shake A Tail Feather - Teengenerate
Teenage Shutdown - Electric Frankenstein
Paranoid - The Dickies
You Got What You Want - The Blitzz
I'm On Fire - Chelsea
Caught With The Meat In Your Mouth - Dead Boys
Little Boys - The Professionals

Just click the Rock Box and get yer fix!
Oh and it won't work if you've got a popup blocker active.
Ho! Ho! Hooooooo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
